marți, 25 ianuarie 2022

Funeralienation - Part II - Mircea


( For part I click here )


"Those bitches! I´ll cut them in half when I´ll see them. Bbbbrrrrr .... I´m freezing. Oh, here comes a truck. Please, God, please!"

Prayed Mircea while trying to stop the truck. But it passed right by him with the driver showing him the middle finger.

- Fuck you too!! (Screamed Mircea)

Suddenly the truck stopped. The driver got down furiously and grabbed Mircea by the collar saying;

- Say, what,
motherfucker? C´mon, say it again!

- What?

- Were you screaming at me back there? Were you? What were you saying?

- Nothing, nothing.

- Oh, nothing, huh? I thought I heard "Fuck you!". Am I having trouble hearing? 

- No. 

- Then what? 

- I am sorry. Please forgive me. I was upset.

- Well, let me show you just how upset I am: 

With two punches in the face and a kick in the stomach, Mircea fell almost unconscious. 

- There you go! Serves you right, asshole! 

The driver went back into his truck and left while our poor Mircea was left by the side of the road, barely breathing. 

"The funeral ... I must get to the funeral ..."

- Heeeeeeelp! ... Heeeeeelp! Gosh, it´s hopeless. 

Mircea looked to the left and saw a ... 

- Wha wha whaat?! Is this a ....

- Yes!

- Oh! He talks! I´m either dreaming or crazy. 

- Why are you so surprised? Weren´t you just screaming for help?

- Yes, but ... I wasn´t expecting a ... 

- Pegasus. 


- Right. 

- This is our district so whatever happens we know it all. 

- Oh, thank goodness. So can you help me?  I am in a big rush.

- Yes, I know. You need to get to your cousin´s funeral. Yes, I will take you there. 

- Oh, great! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

- On one condition. 

- Sure. I´ll do anything, bro!

- In exchange for that, I will devour your soul. 

- Oh my ... Pricey, pricey, no? Isn´t that a bit too much for a twenty minutes ride? 

- You are free to make it on your own if you wish. 

- Oook, ok, you may devour my soul afterwards. ( Agreed Mircea checking the time ) Now let´s hurry up, please.

- Hop on, Mircey!

- Oh, this is so exciting, I never thought I will have the chance to ride a Pegasus in this lifetime. Yuuuuhuuuuu!

The Pegasus  took off moving higher and higher towards the clouds. It was all like dream. 

"This is so awesome. Totally worth every piece of soul devouring! 

Thought Mircea, but not long after take off he started feeling a bit chilly. The sensation was cool, but now the wind was cutting his face and was very uncomfortable. 

- Mr. Pegassus! Mr. Pegassus! Yelled Mircea

- What?

- I am cold. Do you think we can stop for 2 minutes to recompose myself?

- Are you crazy? We just took off. 

- I know, but I am very temperature sensitive, you know. 

- Hang in there. We are not far. 

- Yes, I understand, but I am really freezing cold. Can we please stop?

- No. 

- .... Please!

- I´ll drop you off if I hear your voice one more time. 

Mircea tried. He really did. He tried as much as he could: breath of fire, squishing his teeth, he tried thinking of a warm sunny beach, but ...

- It is just that ... I can´t take it ...

With a hard and ferm kick, the Pegassus pushed Mircea down from his back saying with disgust: 

- Sayonara, you imbecile!

Mircea fell on squishy grass. He hit himself but not as hard as he would´ve thought so he was actually quite releved, but when he turned his eyes up to look for the Pegassus he got covered by a big pile of shit falling from the sky.

- Damn you! I hope you rot in hell forever and ever and ever and ever!!!

"10 more minutes until the funeral. Come on, I can´t be that far. " 

                                                         - To Be Continued here

joi, 20 ianuarie 2022

joi, 13 ianuarie 2022

Funeralientaion - Part 1: Majority Decides


I always loved long drives. It feels like time is standing still. There is nothing to do, nowhere to go. You fall asleep in one place, wake up in another. Kinda like floating. 

- Why am I so hot? (Asked  Mircea)

- You are overdressed. Take off some of those layers of clothes! ( Answered Valentina)

- It wouldn´t make any difference. Uuuufff ... I am all sweaty. 

- You are an idiot. ( Replied Valentina while solving a Sudoku)

- Can we stop for a moment? I need some fresh air. ( Insisted Mircea)

- Just open the window, man. We´re not going to stop for that. Take off your freakin´jacket! 

- Stop ordering me around! You are not my mother. I said I am hot. 

 "Continuing from this point would be nothing but a waste of words." (Concluded Valentina while looking out the window.)

- Pfffffff, can we please stop? I can´t take it anymore.

"I wonder ... Isn´t suicide something that we´ve all thought about at least once in a lifetime?" (Thought Simona while driving.)

"Everybody seems to be so repelled by this concept, but I always thought one can´t be an intelligent person without pondering the idea of suicide at least once. After all, It is an option which can´t be overlooked. One that gives you some kind of control over the unpredictability of death."

- Does anybody hear me? I am boiling hot! Can we please stop?! ( Said Mircea all clothed in his wool jacket. )

" In the end ... isn´t unpredictability the scariest thing about death? Any denial of the viability of this option is either hypocritical or dumb."

- Simona! ( Screamed Mircea from the bottom of his lungs.) Stop the car right now!

- Wha What?! Why?

- How many times do I have to say?! I AM HOT AND I NEED SOME FRESH AIR!!

- Why don´t you take off that woolen jacket, dude?

- Why is everyone busting my balls with this? I don´t want to take off my jacket. It´s comfortable. I want to stay cozy and have some fresh air. Is that a crime?

- Mircea, have you ever thought about suicide? ( Asked Simona)

- Now where did that came from? No. 

- No? Really? Not even once? ( Simona continued)

- No!

- What about you, Valentina.

- Not since I was a teenager. Why? 

- Just wondering. 

- Do you want to kill yourself or what? ( Asked Mircea showing off his concern.)

- No. I am just wondering if people think about it. 

- See? Now I am worried. Are you ok?

- Why does everybody get instantly outraged when it comes to this subject? Why do I have to be "not ok" for something like this to cross my mind. I don´t have to be pregnant to wonder about abortion or anything. 

- Yeah, but, you know ...

- Yeah, I know! It just needs to be asked. It´s standard procedure. 

- I guess. Now can we stop for 5 minutes? 

Valentina took her eyes of her Sudoku and asked calmly:

- What about murder? Had anyone ever thought about murder? I know I am thinking about it for the last 10 minutes.  If you keep buzzing me, I´ll land my fist straight in your face. Take off your freakin´jacket!!

- Simona, please stop the car. I am boiling and can´t breathe. 

Valentina turned to Simona and said calmly:

- Please pull over. Mircea needs to get out right now. 

Simona pulled over and Mircea got out immediately. 

- Finally! Oh my God! (Said Mircea getting out of the car and breathing deeply)

As soon as he was out, the girls stepped on the acceleration and left without hesitation. 

- Hey! Heeeeeey! Where are you going? Heeeeey! 

Screamed Mircea, but had nobody to scream at. He was all alone by the side of the road. 

- Shit!! I´ll show you where my fist is going to land! Damn you, witches!!! 

(Mircea checked the time)

"45 minutes until my cousin´s funeral. What the fuck am I going to do?"


What the fuck is Mircea going to do?


                                                        - To Be Continued  here -